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Looking back at my project.

This year has been a difficult year for me and at time my work has defiantly been effected by my personal problems. i kept my project very focused on experimentation, developing my confidence, creating layered, interesting, detailed and bold pieces of artwork. I chose to focus on line and mark making within my paintings so thatI could create something different, detailed and eye catching.

As my project developed i began to realise that my work wasn't just focusing on being bold and detailed, but at the same time i was showing how overwhelmed i was becoming, and that was showing through, by how i was working on a big scale with big brush strokes. The project became an outlet for me.

I have enjoyed learning how i like to work and what i like to create. I have taken pleasure in working on a large scale, doing primary and secondary research that has inspired my work, and looking at different artist painting styles and techniques to in form my work. I defiantly feel this project has made me think more about the work that i am creating and want to create and I am excited to continue developing my work over the summer and into next year.

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