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Large Canvas Piece

Over the past week I have been working on a large canvas piece inspired by Michael Porter's painting techniques and the time that I have spent by the beach, watching waves.

The piece has been created through layers and layers of paint, which were all different thicknesses. I then tipped the canvas so I created the look for running water, then adding another layer and repeating the process over and over again I found this approach to be the best way to get the image, that had come to mind when doing my research, across on the canvas.

I have really enjoyed creating something bigger than my previous pieces of work, but I have also enjoyed taking inspiration from artists, my research, and making my work develop. I want to continue doing this, so my work moves and develops, which will help me create bigger and better pieces of work.

This project to me has been about learn and developing my skill set, figuring out what inspires me, being experimental but also challenging my self to work bigger and quicker. I think this pieces shows that i am achieving my goal, because of the hands on approach I took when creating it.

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