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Large Canvas Paintings

To develop my project, I have been working into my sketchbook and doing A3 paintings but i am still not satisfied with what I am creating. Working on such a small scale was begging to restrict the the marks that I could make with paint. i wanted my work to be bold, interesting and eye catching.

This week I have be working on canvas material. I didn't make a stretcher, because I wanted to use my time to paint and create. making i painting directly on to the canvas and tried to work quickly, but not rush my mark making. I used big brushes to get wide bold lines and layers of paint to add depth. working on a larger scale was hard for me and out of my comfort zone but i really enjoyed being more involved with my work. Painting on this scale allowed me to move around my work and then add more details when the canvas was nailed to the wall.

During this week, along side my paintings I have started a mixed media piece which i am creating straight onto my wall. I am creating a large wave using materials; such as old strips of canvas and newspapers to create textures. I am then going to paint over the top to add depth and marks to create something large and imposing, also this piece will challenge my own abilities to work on a large scale.

this piece will be ongoing for a little while due to its size, so i am going to document the progress that i make over several different posts.

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